Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blog # 4

Through out novel, there were many conflicts and problems. The problems didn't stop until the end of the book when everything got resolved. I really liked how the end of the book went because i never would have expected that the ending was so dramatic. It really caught my attention and i would read that novel again. When i was reading the novel, i thought that Parker did get raped, just like everyone else thought. But in the book, Parker did say she didn't raped, so after that i had no clue. Books like this are very well done and i think the ending makes everything think about that situation.

I think the ending was realistic and believable because it is something that would happen to teenagers at parties today. Parties do go out of hand, and you should think of the worst most of the time because these situations are possible. From experience, some parties i have gone to, things do turn out bad. Like cops coming, fights breaking out or everyone getting kicked out. You should always be aware of what could happen. The ending of the novel was a strong ending and i know for me it really got my thinking about a lots of things.

I really did enjoy reading this novel, and i do recomend this book to other students. This book had me thinking through-out this whole book because i always had a thought of what was going to happen but when i was wrong i didn't know what to think. The author wrote very well and she kept your attention through the whole book. I never wanted to put down my book because she always kept you thinking and interested in the book. I think this novel was related to teenagers today, and its good to be aware of different situations. :)

1 comment:

  1. When i was reading this book I thought the same thing, aout Parker gettign raped. This book builds alot of suspence and thats what caught my attention.
