Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog #2

Throughout this novel Parker has so many personality traits....
At the beginning she is still shocked and scared of what happened at the party, she slowly gets comfortable at school again with her teachers , parents and friends. Parker is a tough girl that cant always deal with her emotions very well. When she gets upset she reacts in a serious way by, running away, throwing up, or she goes into an anxiety attack. Parker is very independant because she doesnt want to get involved with many of the students at school. With her guidance counsilor, she isn't that open with her and she likes to keep everything to herself. Parker is very independant, outspoken, down to earth and emotional. She is also very secret about herself. Parker's parents are always trying to ask her about school, what her plans are for the night, where she is going and when she will be home, but Parker always leaves them hanging and never tells them anythings. When Parker and Jake met, Jake started to have feelings for her but Parker wouldn't accept those feelings as good feelings. Jake would always try to figure her out and get into her life story but Parker would hide or avoid most of it.

Parker does have many flaws....Parker can't handle bad situations in a good way. She tends to harm herself or she harms others. I think that she can't control her emotions sometimes and she needs help with her emotions but she doesn't like admitting that she needs help, so its hard for herself. She knows that she needs help but she doesn't like it when people try to help her.

If you knew that you had a problem like not being able to control your feelings, would you want to get help? Would you open up and ask for help?


  1. If I had a problem where I couldn't control my emotions I would try to get help. But I would talk to close friends and family. It might be hard for some people to admitt that they have a problem, but it is always easier to talk to someone who you are close with and will understand you.

  2. I would certainly get help, although it would be hard to open up at first. I would just keep telling myself that it would do me good to let it all out.

  3. abosolutely. help can really get you where you want to go. however working up the courage to get some is the problem.

  4. I would open up but very slowly. I wouldnt be able to tell everything at once because it would be really difficult and stressful for me. I would ask my parents friends and counselors for help because without them i would be lost and wouldnt know what to do.

  5. I think that most people would have a hard time just opening up and talking about their feelings. I would definitely open up slowly to those who are closest to me and eventually get the help that I truly needed.

  6. I would open up to somebody but that person had to be very close to me I wouldnt tell someone who is going to tell everyone because that would be more problems. When she comes out of dinile she should open up her feelings to someone to get some stress of her chest

  7. If i had a problem not being able to control my feelings i would open up to someone. It wuold have be someone in particular like a family member or a very close friend.
